Withdrawing Cash from ATM Cash Machines in Thailand

Withdrawing Cash from ATM Cash Machines in Thailand
Cost of withdrawing cash from ATM in Thailand

ATM cash machines are easily found all over Thailand, whether you are in the capital city Bangkok, in Chiang Mai or on any of the major tourists islands of Thailand there will be ATM cash machines available to withdraw money from your debit or credit card. The warning here is that it is an expensive exercise to withdraw cash from an ATM cash machine in Thailand.

Most ATMs in Thailand charge a 220 Thai Baht withdrawel fee. That is over A$9 or almost US$6. For Australian Dollars, if you are only withdrawing the equivalent of A$100, then you are being charged more than 9% service fee. Or put it another way, 220Baht is more than 2 cold beers in a beer bar in Bangkok! It only makes sense to withdraw cash from an ATM cash machine when you are withdrawing large amounts like A$1000, thats over 24,000Thb.

ATM fees in Thailand
ATM fees in Thailand

Your best option for using cash in Thailand for a holiday, is to bring your own currency cash to Thailand, and then exchange that at a Foreign Exchange currency office when you arrive. Don’t exchange when you arrive at the airport, best to get it outside of the airport as you will get better exchange rate. Maybe exchange a small amount of money either before you leave you home city or exchange a small amount at the Thailand airport you arrive in, just so you have money to get a taxi or train to your accommodation.

Currency Exchange in Thailand
Currency Exchange in Thailand

The other option is to use your credit card / debit card for as many purchases as possible. You will need some cash for things like street food, or getting public transport on the MRT or BTS, but most other places accept payment in credit cards.

220 Thb withdrawl fee using ATM in Thailand
220 Thb withdrawl fee using ATM in Thailand