Ho Chi Minh City Night Time Tours

Ho Chi Minh City Night Time Tours
Ho Chi Minh Jeep Night Tours

There are plenty of day time tours around Ho Chi Minh City to see the tourist highlights. There are also some very cool night time tours that travel around the city to try out the various Vietnamese street food. There are choices of night time tours in Ho Chi Minh City which either travel around in open top jeeps or on the back of motorbikes.

Ho Chi Minh Jeep Night Tours
Ho Chi Minh Jeep Night Tours

I took one of the open jeep tours to explore the amazing street food of Ho Chi Minh City. The tour started with being picked up by jeep at my hotel and travel through the streets of Ho Chi Minh City and then stopping in a small laneway to try some Vietnamese food I had never had before – Crispy pancakes with pork and bean sprouts. My guide showed me how to tear off a piece of the crispy pancake and wrap it in various herb leaves and then gobble it down. Delicious!

Street Food tours of Ho Chi Minh
Street Food tours of Ho Chi Minh

The restaurant we ate at specialized in the Vietnamese crispy pancake (Banh Xeo) which is cooked in an open kitchen so you can see all the action. The tables are chairs were you typical plastic variety and this place was packed with locals enjoying their pancakes and drinking some cold beers.

Banh Xeo Vietnamese Crispy Pancake
Banh Xeo Vietnamese Crispy Pancake

After this treat we jumped back in the jeep to snake further through the streets of Ho Chi Minh. As we passed various buildings my guide gave me some background information on them. We then travelled outside of District 1 into District 4 and onto Vinh Khanh Street also referred to as Seafood Street. This long street is lined with open air restaurants that specialized in, well you guessed it, SEAFOOD.

Vinh Khanh Street Seafood Street
Vinh Khanh Street Seafood Street

Now there is every type of seafood served up in Vinh Khanh Street including all types of marine life including all types of fish, strange looking sea snails, crustaceans and shellfish. I was already full after eating the delicious crispy pancake so we just ordered a plate of grilled prawns (massive prawns!). My guide kept asking if I wanted something else to eat as all the food was included in the price of the tour. I kept saying no I am full but she kept running through the list of her favourite seafood including the strange sea snails and even suggesting I should try the frog!

Seafood on Ho Chi Minh Night Tour
Seafood on Ho Chi Minh Night Tour

After our seafood we jumped back in the jeep for some more sightseeing through the streets of Ho Chi Minh. We stopped in to Air 360 Rooftop bars, one of the best rooftop bars in Saigon – Ho Chi Minh City. We only had 1 drink at Air 360, at 8.30pm it was very quiet as the major of crowd arrive to part at this rooftop bar after 10pm. Check out the Best Rooftop Bars in Ho Chi Minh City.

Air 360 Rooftop Bar Saigon
Air 360 Rooftop Bar Saigon

Our final journey took us through Bui Vien Street which is a nightlife district popular with backpackers. Bui Vien Street is lined with cheap bars with the seats all facing out to the street, very French Paris style! The bars are full of foreigners, locals and cheap hookers. We didn’t stop, just cruised through, well crawled through as the traffic was thick even at 9pm.

Bui Vien Street Nightlife
Bui Vien Street Nightlife

I thoroughly enjoyed this night time tour around Ho Chi Minh to see the city at night time and eating some yummy Vietnamese street food. Check out these tour companies that offer the night time tours around Ho Chi Minh City:

Jeep Tour – Saigon By Night

Saigon Eating Out Jeep Tours this night time tour starts at 5.30pm

Back Of The Bike Tours – as the name suggest these tours are on the back of moterbikes. These tours start at 6pm and finish at 10pm.