Soya Cafe Japanese Restaurant Sanur Bali

Soya Cafe Japanese Restaurant Sanur Bali
Soya Cafe Japanese Restaurant Sanur Bali

Soya Cafe furst opened in Sanur in 2015. Located right next to Starbucks Coffee on Jalan Danau Tamblingan, Soya is one of the best Japanese restaurants in Sanur, with a large range of traditional Japanese food and great decor.

Soya Cafe Japanese Restaurant Sanur Bali
Soya Cafe Japanese Restaurant Sanur Bali

Soya Cafe has air-conditioned dining inside with lovely Japanese art on the walls. Outside is the smoking section with the same comfortable tables and chairs.

Inside Soya Cafe Japanese Restaurant Sanur
Inside Soya Cafe Japanese Restaurant Sanur

I went in for lunch and there were so many things on the menu I wanted to try like the Konichiwa Bento box with Seafood tempura, chicken teriyaki, sashima, sweet omelette, rice, soup, pickles and ice cream for dessert. Also the curry udon looked good as well as the sushi, sashimi combo platter. I only wanted a light meal so I just ordered a few of the small entrees including the agedashi tofu, some chicken yakitori skewers and the very interesting Age Ravioli.

Chicken Yakitori at Soya Cafe Sanur
Chicken Yakitori at Soya Cafe Sanur

It didn’t take long for the food to arrive to my table, along with a nice pot of Japanese Green Tea. Both the agedashi tofu and chicken yakitori skewers were exactly what I expect from a Japanese restaurant. Very tasty dishes.

Agedashi tofu at Soya Cafe Sanur
Agedashi tofu at Soya Cafe Sanur

The Age Ravioli which is deep fried cheese and crab ravioli with tobico and spicy mayo was definitely interesting. More like a deep fried wonton than a ravioli pasta, the crab was nice though it was a bit too crispy and not alot of flavour.

Age Ravioli at Soya Cafe Restaurant Sanur
Age Ravioli at Soya Cafe Restaurant Sanur

Soya Cafe Japanese restaurant has free WiFi internet access. Just ask for the userid and password.

Overall I enjoyed my meal at Soya Cafe. I’ll definitely be back to try that bowl of curry udon.

Green tea at Soya Cafe Japanese Restaurant Sanur
Green tea at Soya Cafe Japanese Restaurant Sanur

Soya Cafe Japanese Restaurant
Jalan Danau Tamblingan No 94
Sanur Bali
Ph:  (0361) 849 7830

Open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner