Turtle Conservation and Education Centre Serangan Island Bali

Turtle Conservation and Education Centre Serangan Island Bali
Turtle Conservation and Education Centre

The Turtle Conservation and Education Centre is located on Serangan Island Bali, just 3 kilometers south of Sanur. Serangan Island used to be an island but is not connected to Bali with a land bridge so now technically it is a peninsula or isthmus.

Turtle Conservation and Education Centre
Turtle Conservation and Education Centre

The Turtle Conservation and Education Centre is supported by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and is the large centre for the protection of the 3 types of sea turtles found around the waters of Bali.

At this centre, they help rescue sick and injured turtles found around Bali and the Gili Islands, nurse them back to health and then release them back into the wild.

Rescued turtle at the Turtle Conservation Centre
Rescued turtle at the Turtle Conservation Centre

They also will take turtle eggs from the beaches close to populated areas around Bali, hatch them at the centre, raise the babies until they are 1 month old and then release them to the wild. This will increases their chances of survival.

The 3 types of sea turtles found around Bali are the Green Sea Turtle, the Hawksbill Sea Turtle and the Olive Ridley Sea Turtle. Around Indonesia there are 3 more types of sea turtles, the Leatherback Sea Turtle, the Loggerhead Sea Turle and the Flatback Sea Turtle.

There are 15 tanks at the Turtle Conservation Centre with either the small baby turtles or the larger rescued turtles. The rescued turtles will have a sign above their tank with details of the type of turtle they are, when they were rescued and how long they have been at the centre. The aim is always to return the turtles to the wild as soon as possible, as soon as the turtle are fit enough to survive on their own.

Turtle Conservation and Education Centre Serangan Island Bali
Turtle Conservation and Education Centre Serangan Island Bali
Signs for the rescued turtles
Signs for the rescued turtles

Around the grounds of the centre is valuable education material both in English and Indonesian talking about the life cycle of sea turtles, why they are endangered and why people should not consume turtles.

In remote parts of Bali, all through Indonesia and Sth East Asia, the Green sea turtle is still hunted for its meat. The Hawksbill Turtle is hunted for is decorative shell and sold to dim witted tourists. Even countries like Japan still eat turtle. It is common in Kyoto and other parts of Japan to find turtle meat available in restaurants.

To get to the Turtle Conservation and Education Centre it is best to get a taxi and get them to standby while you are in the centre as it will be hard to find another taxi on Serangan island.

From Sanur it will take around 15 minutes to get to the centre.

From Nusa Dua it will take around 20 minutes.

From Kuta it will take around 25 – 30 minutes.

From Semiyak it will take around 30 – 35 minutes.

Entrace to the Turtle Conservation and Education Centre
Entrace to the Turtle Conservation and Education Centre

Check out the location of the Turtle Conservation and Education Centre on Serangan Island Bali