Big Buddha in Pattaya – Wat Phra Yai Temple

Big Buddha in Pattaya – Wat Phra Yai Temple
Big Buddha Pattaya Thailand

Sitting on top of Pratumnak Hill between Pattaya Beach and Jomtien is the Wat Phra Yai Temple, often referred to as the Big Buddha statue of Pattaya. The big Buddha in Pattaya is one of the more interested cultural sites in Pattaya. The golden statue is 18 meters tall and surrounded by loads of other interesting statues and shrines.

Big Buddha Pattaya Thailand
Big Buddha Pattaya Thailand

It is really easy to go and see the Big Buddha Statue in Pattaya. From central Pattaya Beach it will take around 15 minutes to get to the top of the hill. It would be a good decent walk of around an hour. The road up to the top of the hill is quite steep so definitely a good workout to get to the top.

Once you reach the front of the temple, there is a long, straight staircase with around 50 steps up to the top of the temple where the Big Buddha statue sits.

Stairs up to the Big Buddha Pattaya
Stairs up to the Big Buddha Pattaya

Around the base of the big Buddha are lots of smaller Buddha statues in various positions, sitting, standing and laying down, representing the different positions for meditation and reaching enlightenment. Each of the statues is also labelled with a different day of the week. In Thai culture it is significant which day of the week you are born.

Buddha Statues at Pattaya Thailand
Buddha Statues at Pattaya Thailand
Buddha Laying down statue
Buddha Laying down statue

Everyday of the week there are locals visiting the temple to pray and show their respects to The Buddha.

Buddha Statue Pattaya
Buddha Statue Pattaya

Entrance to the temple is free. As this is a real Buddhist Temple with people worshiping it is best to show respect when visiting by dressing conservatively. No singlets, shoulders should be covered.

Big Buddha Pattaya
Big Buddha Pattaya

Check out the location of Wat Phra Yai Temple – Big Buddha Pattaya